• Talent Makers: How the Best Organizations Win through Structured and Inclusive Hiring

Talent Makers: How the Best Organizations Win through Structured and Inclusive Hiring

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Авторы: Daniel ChaitJon Stross
Чтец: Barry Abrams
Длительность: 7.75 hours
Дата выхода:2021
Издательство:Gildan Media

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      Talent Makers: How the Best Organizations Win through Structured and Inclusive Hiring is essential listening for every leader who knows that hiring is crucial to their organization and wants to compete for top talent, diversify their organization, and build winning teams. Daniel Chait and Jon Stross, cofounders of Greenhouse Software, Inc., provide listeners with a comprehensive and proven framework to improve hiring quickly, substantially, and measurably.

      Talent Makers will provide a step-by-step plan and actionable advice to help leaders assess their talent practice (or lack thereof) and transform hiring into a measurable competitive advantage. Listeners will understand and employ: a proven system and principles for hiring used by the world's best companies; hiring practices that remove bias and result in more diverse teams; an assessment of their hiring practice using the Hiring Maturity model; and measurement of employee lifetime value in quantifiable terms, and how to increase that value through hiring.

      The Talent Makers methodology is the result of the authors' experience and the ideas and stories from their community of more than 4,000 organizations. This is the book that CEOs, hiring managers, talent practitioners, and human resources leaders must have to transform their hiring and propel their organization to new heights.

      Download and start listening now!

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      Основные характеристики
      АвторJon Stross
      ЧтецBarry Abrams

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