• A Memory of Light: Book Fourteen of The Wheel of Time

A Memory of Light: Book Fourteen of The Wheel of Time

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Авторы: Robert JordanBrandon Sanderson
Чтецы: Michael KramerKate Reading
Длительность: 41.75 hours
Дата выхода:2013
Издательство:Macmillan Audio

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      A Memory of Light: Wheel of Time, Book 14, released in January of 2013, is the final installment in The Wheel of Time series.

      When author Jordan passed away in 2007, many feared the conclusion to the series would not be finished in print; yet, from the notes and drafts Robert Jordan left to his successor, Brandon Sanderson was able to complete Jordan's masterpiece. Having also penned the prior two in the series (both which reached number one on the New York Times best seller list), Sanderson and Jordan's widow, who edited all of the Wheel of Times books, have put together a delightful and satisfying conclusion to what was, what will be, and what is.

      As armies of the westlands gather to prepare for Tarmon Gai'don, so do the forces of the Shadow. In balance, the Light is strengthened by warriors joining from all over the world, as they too sense the end of time.

      Yet, soon, the Shadow will welcome a new Forsaken/Chosen as repayment for his service in converting many channelers to their ranks. With both sides bent on vanquishing the other, who will succeed? Will the Dragon ride with the ends of time?

      Robert Jordan is the pseudonym for writer James Oliver Rigney, Jr., who uses this pen name for his fantasy collection and other names for historical fiction, westerns, and dance criticism. He is also a ghostwriter for an international thriller. Born in Charleston, South Carolina, he served two tours in Vietnam as a helicopter gunner. After, he completed his bachelor's degree in physics. He was then employed by the U.S. Navy as a nuclear engineer before beginning his writing career. His wife is his editor, and he lived with her in a house built in 1797, until his death in 2007. When he became ill with cancer, he related the appropriate details to friends and family for his last books in the Wheel of Time series, in order that they might be fleshed out, in spite of his dying too soon to complete them himself.

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      Основные характеристики
      АвторBrandon Sanderson
      ЧтецKate Reading

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